The reason why I choose Civil engineering

There are some family reason and personal reason lend me choose Civil engineering.

Family reason is my father and uncle both civil engineering. So after I graduate, I can going to their company, I can have a higher start state than others, and also them will help to know or learn more things.

Personal reason have two. One I am just interesting in two subject, one is Medicine but my English cannot study that really well. The other one is civil engineering, I am really good at mathematics and strong logical thinking, this subject I am relatively easy to grasp.

The second reason is my father. One day, my father took me to his company when I was child. He never stop because of red lights at a really long street. It is amazing, I ask him”How can you did like that??” He said “Because, this whole street is my design and build, I must be know when is the lights on. ” That is really cool, so my father and civil engineering became my goal at that time.